
That Burning Furnace Smell Could Mean Trouble


When you first start your furnace for the season, you may be aware of a burning smell. Of course, if that furnace smell continues it could mean trouble. It's important to know how a furnace works and what different smells could mean. This will ensure that everyone is safe throughout the winter months and even provide energy savings because the furnace is working properly. Dust the furnace off and clean the filter before starting it and the initial burning smell should be reduced. The smell should dissipate within an hour. If it doesn't, something else may be going on. Here are a few reasons for a burning furnace smell and how to address the issues:

  • Dirty or clogged filter: Change or clean the filter. This is a simple fix that's easy to rule out as the culprit.

  • Dusty or dirty ducts: Not many people think about duct cleaning, but a persistent burning smell could indicate ducts that need to be cleaned. Call a professional and schedule a cleaning.

  • Dirty burners: The burners in the furnace need to be cleaned periodically. If dust and debris build up, a burning or smoky smell can occur. These are easy enough to clean, but professionals also provide the service for those who can't or don't want to do it themselves.

  • Motor overheating: Some motors need to be lubricated regularly. In other cases, the motor just might be old. Either way, a bad motor could be a reason for a burning furnace smell and needs to be addressed by a professional HVAC contractor.

These are just a few of the causes of burning smells in a furnace. If the filter and furnace are clean and otherwise working but the burning smell lingers, it's always best to call an HVAC contractor and have them resolve the issue to keep everyone safe and keep the furnace in good working order.To learn more about furnace operation and care or to schedule your own furnace maintenance and repair, contact Air Assurance Heating, Air Conditioning & Geothermal. They have been serving the Tulsa area for 27 years with HVAC service, installation and repair.Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  Image courtesy of Shutterstock