Air Conditioning

Choosing A New Air Conditioner? Consider The Lifetime Costs

Choosing A New Air Conditioner? Consider The Lifetime Costs

Before choosing a new air conditioner, every homeowner should consider lifetime costs, as this is the best way to maximize your investment. You see, the total operating costs of a system cannot be determined simply by looking at the purchase price. As a homeowner, you need to also calculate how quality, durability, maintenance and potential energy savings will dictate how much you will pay for the system over its lifetime.The basic premise underlying lifetime costs is as follows:

  • Low-priced, low-quality equipment will cost less to purchase, but often has higher operating costs.

  • Higher-priced, high-quality equipment will cost more to purchase, but offers lower lifetime operating costs.

  • Quality of the installation can make all the difference no matter what the price.

The following factors will help you see the big-picture view of a system’s operating costs:

  • Quality – Higher-priced systems are generally better quality systems, because they incorporate features that allow them to last longer, such as a variable-speed air handler. Variable-speed models operate at lower speeds for a majority of the time, so they will have longer life spans and use less electricity.

  • Durability –Quality systems tend to require fewer repairs, a factor not revealed in the sticker price when comparing low- and high-quality systems.

  • Energy savings – Higher-efficiency air conditioners cost more to purchase because they use better technology. But it is this technology that leads to higher energy savings, through features such as two-stage cooling systems and better coil design. In that way, your system will use less energy, which will result in better monthly energy savings, thereby helping you quickly recoup your initial investment in the system.

  • Maintenance – Systems that utilize basic components and low-quality parts will require more maintenance, increasing operating costs. High-quality, high-efficiency systems will require minimal maintenance. In general, annual service tune-ups should suffice in keeping the system operating at peak capacity and providing optimal home comfort.

Choosing a new air conditioner is made easy by looking at a system’s lifetime costs. If you’d like help comparing and calculating lifetime costs, contact Air Assurance Heating, Cooling & Air Quality today! We've been serving homeowners in the Greater Broken Arrow area for more than 30 years.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our websiteto see our current promotionsand get started today!     Air Conditioner image via Shutterstock