Air Conditioning, Ductless Mini-Split Sy..., Heating

The Ductless Mini Split: A Heating And Cooling Solution That's Mini In Name Only

The Ductless Mini Split: A Heating And Cooling Solution That's Mini In Name Only

The ductless mini-split system is a good option for homeowners looking to add heating and cooling capabilities to a new or remodeled space. With the power of an efficient heat pump behind the mini split, this system offers a multitude of benefits.A low-cost optionA ductless mini-split system provides heating and cooling solutions where implementing traditional systems would be cost prohibitive. Retrofitting ductwork is often an expensive undertaking, requiring that tricky modifications be made to your existing system so that heating and cooling capabilities can be extended beyond the original system’s design. But because the mini split doesn’t require ducts, it can be installed in almost any existing, new or remodeled room. The mini split can also be used to add air conditioning to just a few rooms, particularly useful in scenarios where adding central air isn’t cost feasible.FlexibilityA ductless mini-split heat pump is somewhat like a central air system. It has a single outdoor compressor and up to four indoor units, which are connected via a central conduit. In that way, you can add heating and cooling to four separate spaces of your choosing.SavingsEach indoor unit is operated individually; therefore, you can operate each unit as needed, and shut them off when those rooms aren’t in use. Whereas a central A/C unit would deliver air throughout the home, you can selectively use a ductless mini-split to cool a closed-in porch space, only when you use it.InstallationInstalling a ductless mini split is fairly easy, although an expert HVAC contractor should do the job. It will involve minimal modifications to your home. All that’s required is a small hole to guide the conduit from each indoor air handler to the outdoor system, which can be located up to 50 feet from the compressor.Get the comfort you deserve with a two-in-one system that fits the unique requirements of your home. If you have questions about the ductless mini split and you’d like to talk to a professional, contact Air Assurance Heating, Cooling & Air Quality -- serving homeowners in the Greater Broken Arrow area for more than 30 years.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our websiteto see our current promotionsand get started today!     Solution image via Shutterstock