Heat Pumps, IAQ – Indoor Air Quality, Service & Maintenance

Here's What You Should Do If Your Heat Pump Is Not Working Properly

During the cold winter months, you depend on your heat pump to be efficient and reliable. That said, it is a wise move to familiarize yourself with the most effective methods of troubleshooting heat pumps for when disaster does strike and your system does not function properly.Here are the primary steps you can take to test and assess your heat pump equipment:

  • If your heat pump is failing to turn on, try pressing the "Reset" switch located on your unit.

  • Verify that your thermostat is set specifically on "heat" mode. It should also be noted that if the temperature of your home and the temperature your thermostat is set for are within several degrees of each other your system might not operate; try adjusting your thermostat to a higher setting in this case.

  • Try turning the fan switch on your thermostat to "on". This allows you to test if your system is receiving power. If activity is not detected, check the fuses and circuit breaker for issues. If power turns out to not be the issue, you could plagued by a bad capacitor or blower motor within your heat pump.

  • Heat pumps -- as with all HVAC equipment -- are very reliant on clean air filters. If you notice your system is running for a very short time before shutting down, check the air filter for cleanliness. Changing your filter once a month is suggested.

  • Airflow issues can contribute to the causes of improperly functioning heat pumps. Confirm that furnishings or other objects in your home are not obstructing supply air registers or return air grilles.

  • Check your outdoor unit for ice buildup; contact a professional for service if any is noticed.

If after performing these checks the problem still has not been isolated, the best solution is to bring in a licensed expert to troubleshoot your system.For expert heat pump service and advice, contact Air Assurance today. We pride ourselves in serving the fine folks of the Broken Arrow/Tulsa area of Oklahoma.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our website to see our current promotions and get started today!