Energy Evaluations

Take A Whole-House Look At Energy Savings With This Online Tool

If you’re a homeowner, you are already familiar with the time-consuming, often stressful demands of home ownership. There’s lawn care and upgrading the kitchen to increase the home’s value. Yes, there are lots of perks too, like privacy and building equity; however, the money and energy that it takes to maintain and increase that investment is often overwhelming. Utility bills are an all-to-familiar concern for homeowners.Homeowners can do lots of things to increase energy savings. Without a complete picture of where your home stands on energy consumption, taking a stab at one area, such as insulation, might prove futile in light of other concerns. That’s where Energy Star’s online tool helps. The Home Energy Yardstick: What’s Your Score? tool helps homeowners do just that: you get a big picture view of areas that impact your home’s energy consumption and information on how to increase energy savings in each one.After entering your home’s square footage and energy consumption for the past year, Energy Star provides a score on their yardstick. Depending on your score, the program lists nine possible areas for improvement. You'll also get an overview of your home’s energy efficiency.Homeowners will appreciate the specific suggestions Energy Star provides for each area. For example, you can learn about the importance of sealing air leaks. Using the insulation guide might reveal that insulation is more of a problem in your home than leaky windows and ducts. You can then focus on priority issues first to get the most energy savings.Take a whole-house view of how your home uses energy, and use Energy Star’s tool to find out the areas that have the greatest potential return in energy savings. Of course, an online tool can't replace real advice from a company that knows your neighborhood. Air Assurance wants to be your partner in home comfort and energy savings, so call us if we can help.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, click here. Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.