HVAC system

HVAC Parts Every Homeowner Should Recognize

HVAC Parts Every Homeowner Should Recognize

 It's no secret your HVAC system is one of the most important elements of your Oklahoma home. For you to keep it working efficiently throughout the year, it's vital that you understand its basic components. Read on to learn more about the essential HVAC parts.


This is the panel you use to adjust your home's temperature. It controls the rest of your HVAC system. If you still use a manual thermostat and want more energy savings and home comfort, switch to a programmable thermostat.


This is the heart of your home's heating system. It consists of a blower cabinet and burner cabinet. It's usually installed in a designated spot, usually the basement, attic, or special cabinet. If you hear groaning, banging, and whirring noises coming from it, you should contact an HVAC professional. A blue furnace pilot light shows your system is safe whereas a yellow one shows you may be having a carbon monoxide problem.

Heat Exchanger

It's the HVAC component that actually warms your home. It's located inside your furnace unit. When it's on, air is sucked into it from the outdoors or through specific indoor vents. This air is heated rapidly and then blown into your home via the ductwork.

Condensing Unit

The unit sits outside the home. It cools a special refrigerant gas, which is transported to the evaporator coil after sufficient cooling. It's crucial to keep the area around this unit clear of fallen leaves and other debris to avoid diminishing its efficiency.

Evaporator Coil

It's located inside the house and is responsible for providing cool air for your home. The cold refrigerant inside it absorbs heat and moisture from your home's air.


They deliver hot or cold air to your home. Having them sealed by a professional will make your home more energy efficient.

Knowing the HVAC parts involved in your system's operation helps you spot problems when they arise more easily and fix them before they get bigger. If you need excellent and dependable HVAC service in the Broken Arrow area, don't hesitate to contact the experts at Air Assurance.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about other HVAC topics, call us at 918-217-8273.