IAQ – Indoor Air Quality

Summer Allergies Got You Down? Remove The Source Of The Problem

Summer Allergies Got You Down? Remove The Source Of The Problem

If you’re already worried that summer allergies will affect your quality of life, consider the value of removing the source of the problem, addressing factors both inside and outside of your home. In fact, prevention by way of removing problematic sources that lead to allergy symptoms is not only effective, but it’s also a low-cost process.If summer allergies get you down, here’s what you can do:

  • Keep your air filter clean – The filter is the first line of defense for your air conditioner. It not only keeps your system clean, but also removes allergens from your home’s air supply.

  • Upgrade filters – Using a better filter is another effective preventive measure against summer allergies. Look for a residential filter with a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) between 8 and 11. These types of filters are more efficient than standard filters typically found in residential HVAC systems.

  • Clean – Regular and thorough cleaning is one of the best ways to alleviate summer allergies. You can wear a mask while cleaning, or bribe a family member to do it for you.

  • Don’t forget the outdoors – Allergens are generally present on weeds and other vegetation. If allowed to buildup near the A/C’s outdoor unit, they can be blown into the system and make their way inside your home. So clean up this area regularly.

  • Don’t bring allergens inside – Take your shoes off before you enter the house, and never lay your clothing on your bed. Both will escort allergens into your home.

  • Wash bedding – You probably spend the most time here, so keep your bedding allergen-free, washing it every week.

  • Clean the air – For added protection, consider using a whole-house air cleaner to assist your removal efforts.

While cleaning and removing sources won’t take care of summer allergies completely, when combined with an air-cleaning device and medication, you can potentially increase your quality of life over the summer season. At the very least, you can make your home a better place to seek refuge from outdoor allergens.For expert advice, contact Air Assurance Heating, Cooling & Air Quality today! We proudly serve residents of the greater Broken Arrow area.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our websiteto see our current promotionsand get started today!